A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue – Books on Google Play
A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue – Books on Google Play.
sunset square
It’s funny to build collages out of Google search images; it’s a lot like the old paper magazines and paste routine but so much quicker to source and with just a twinge of guilt that you might be doing something immoral (using someone else’s images).
The mobile testing challenge: How to improve your UX and prepare for the future | VentureBeat
Since testing can amount to as much as 10 percent of a mobile development budget, this headache can quickly avalanche into a disaster without the right direction and tools. So what options are available to help companies get through this frustrating period before launching a mobile application? It’s easiest if you consider the four types…
Teens aren’t abandoning “social.” They’re just using the word correctly. — Understandings & Epiphanies — Medium
Kids aren’t leaving social networks. They’re redefining the word “social.” Rather, they’re actually using the word with the intent of its original meaning: making contact with other human beings. Communicating. Back-and-forth, fairly immediate dialogue. Most of it digitally. But most of it with the intent of a conversation where two (or more) people are exchanging…
The illusion of simplicity: photographer Peter Belanger on shooting for Apple | The Verge
At one point I decided I wanted to learn a bit more about the commercial side of photography and applied for an internship in San Francisco. I could see there was a lot of work in the area for commercial photographers due to all the product companies around Silicon Valley. This was when desktop publishing…
Do Local Businesses Deserve Your Money?
“LOCAL” DOES NOT EQUAL “GOOD.” Local equals local. For instance, there are many coffee shops around. One of the local coffee shops invariably has a huge line, and locals know to go there only if you have some extra time. The coffee is good, but not amazing. Are they extra kind there? No. Do they…
Libraries: A Canvas for Creating Meaningful User Experience | UX Magazine
The patron enters the library with a VHS tape he has not viewed in thirty years. He’s reserved the Digital Media Lab, a digitization space, to convert his tape to DVD. I, a librarian, push the tape into the VCR and demonstrate the conversion process. Then we both turn to the monitor as the tape…
Tiny Flying Robots
Via VentureBeat.com.
Snickers AdWords Campaign
Snickers Google from Doc News on Vimeo. via SearchEngineWatch.com