The Juice King
While browsing through an antique store yesterday I found this little jem. I’ve been on the hunt for a jadeite juicer for a few years but the power of this little guy had me sold immediately. Juice on!
Woman and Infant Found Buried in Des Moines
Well, not recently and without foul play. I suspect it’s because I don’t read the papers, but I’m glad to learn a year later that “the Palace,” a well preserved 7000 year old prehistoric settlement (with woman, infant, and housing foundations) was discovered a short drive from the old homestead: “It’s always fun to find…
Quantum Levitation
whaaaa? Tel-Aviv University demos quantum superconductors locked in a magnetic field (www.quantumlevitation.com). For an explanation of the physics behind this demonstration, visit www.quantumlevitation.com/levitation/The_physics.html.
Acme’s Wine Bottle Klein Bottle
The day that I have a spare $100 bill laying around and a nice place to put it, I will own this. I love the description, which includes “Yes, you can store wine in it, and pour wine into and out of it. But no, it’s not very practical as a wine carafe…” “As impractical…
Maxfield Parrish Quilt?
I had no idea Maxfield Parrish had designed a quilt until stumbling across this post while looking for inspirational sketches for a project for my boys… According to QIsForQuilter, the design (A Circus Bedquilt) was published in a 1904/1905 issue of Ladies Home Journal. Might be fun to track that one down (Not as a…
Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera
And another awesome idea for a camera: http://jonaspfeil.de/ballcamera
Never Take an Out of Focus Photo Again!
This is pretty amazing—really. https://www.lytro.com/ Photograph without an eye for focus; shoot now, focus later. I’m curious to see this thing in action…it’s an exciting idea but I wonder what its limitations will be. I’m also excited/terrified of what it’s applications will be 20 years from now! The samples on the site don’t appear to…
What Do Babies Think?—or—have you ever fallen in love in Paris after drinking three double espressos?
In this TED talk Alison Gopnik explores how babies think: when they start thinking of others and how their minds pull in sooo much information that what’s commonly observed as misbehavior is a kind of information overload. To put the perspective in to “grown up” terms she describes the pattern as: …like being in love,…
Electronic, Street-Legal Custom Tron Bike
I learned about this custom bike while watching Diggnation. I’m not a bike guy, but this looks very nice (although I suspect comments about it being an uncomfortable position to ride aren’t far from the truth)! http://mashable.com/2011/09/22/tron-lightcycle-electric/
My Baby Boy
I love this little critter 😉 (photo from my wonderful wife, StacyZ.