Herstellung eines Spanbaumes
Thanks to Barbara for pointing to these links in the comments: MyGrowingTraditions.com Candle Pyramid with Winter Scene and Green Advent Candelabrum with Seated Angels at WoodenWagon.
Healthy benefits for the long run by David of 37signals
Healthy benefits for the long run by David of 37signals.
The British Library’s “Mechanical Curator” million | The Public Domain Review
The British Library’s “Mechanical Curator” million | The Public Domain Review.
1976 Rhodes Suitcase 88 Key
Last weekend I jumped at a Rhodes 88 key listed on Craigslist. Looking past the rough tolex and one missing tine/tonebar, this thing is amazing. The boys and I have already put in a few hours of “Frosty the Snowman” and Christmas tunes; I’m looking forward to the many hours yet to come. Here’s a…
The Great Discontent: Merlin Mann
The fact is that most of us are wandering around, scared shitless, wondering what the fuck’s going to happen next. That’s as true when you’re 11 as it is when you’re in your 40s. It’s one reason that people feel very discouraged or disinclined to try new things—they feel like it’s not for them. I…
10 Easy Pieces: Wall-Mounted Shelving Systems : Remodelista
10 Easy Pieces: Wall-Mounted Shelving Systems : Remodelista.
The 40-Year Slump
What has vanished over the past 40 years isn’t just Americans’ rising incomes. It’s their sense of control over their lives. The young college graduates working in jobs requiring no more than a high-school degree, the middle-aged unemployed who have permanently opted out of a labor market that has no place for them, the 45-…
Pammel Park Backbone Trail, Madison County, IA
Pammel Park is roughly five miles SW of Winterset in Madison County, Iowa. I’ve been intending to walk some of the county’s trails (learn more about what the county has to offer at http://www.madisoncountyparks.org) for a few years now and, with a few days away from the office decided to give it a start. A…
How To Waste Time Properly – Issue 7: Waste – Nautilus
Brent Coker, who studies online behavior at the University of Melbourne in Australia, found that people who engage in “workplace Internet leisure browsing” are about 9 percent more productive than those who don’t. Last year, Jonathan Schooler, a psychology professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara published with his doctoral student Benjamin Baird a…