Netflix is Sabotaging Itself – on Purpose
This is beautiful: SAN FRANCISCO — What does not kill me, makes me stronger. So said Nietzsche, Conan the Barbarian, and Kelly Clarkson. Now Netflix cloud director Ariel Tseitlin is taking that philosophy to its natural limit in the world of the cloud. Every day, he unleashes an army of virtual monkeys on his company’s…
Andres Zimmern’s Hometown: Linden Hills
I love Linden Hills; always a bright spot in my memory.
Sunday fun
Was thrilled to find an Electro Harmonix DRM-15 and Roland CR68 drum machine pair in Des Moines today from the same seller. Great deal from a great guy.
So, I caught a hummingbird the other day…
Stacy spotted this space monster in the road when picking me up from work yesterday evening. I love seeing mantids out and about.
I’m super thrilled that my copy of IDOW:HE arrived today! For more information: “I Dream of Wires: Hardcore Edition” 2013 official trailer from I Dream Of Wires on Vimeo.
Confessions of a Cellphone Holdout – WSJ.com
I hope that I have a few more years left before I come to die, but I have gotten incalculable pleasure from not owning a cellphone, even if I never did make it, as Thoreau did, to the woods. But in a few weeks, I will buy a phone. I am scared. I am afraid…
I’ll miss seeing you around, Jerry
Old man in audience sings song 'God Bless… by Jesus_Christ4Barack_Obama Read/watch more about Jerry’s life in a segment from local news station KCCI.
Money, Happiness and the New Science of Smarter Spending | New Republic
Experiences can have a much bigger impact on people’s happiness than things, and a big part of that happiness lies in looking forward to the experience that you are going to have. via Money, Happiness and the New Science of Smarter Spending | New Republic.