Explore – Workaholics are driven by fear, and I have not…
Workaholics are driven by fear, and I have not found myself in a position where I need to spend six or eight more hours at work because I’m trying to make everything okay. […] If you’re in this frame of mind and need control, being a workaholic is a socially acceptable way to try to…
I’m still here: back online after a year without the internet | The Verge
I’m still here: back online after a year without the internet | The Verge.
Should a Startup Spend VC Funding on a Domain Name? – Forbes
A good domain name can catch attention, biasing people to prefer your company over competitors, and making it easy to reach the website if and when they decide to use it. A bad domain name can sink you. Like a storefront and location in the offline world, your domain name is the very first vehicle…
The secret to a higher salary is to ask for nothing at all – Quartz
…The next time I had to negotiate a contract, it began in typical fashion with a prospective employer sending me a lopsided agreement and asking me to counter-propose. I said I was incompetent to do that and suggested they write a new contract as if they were me, putting in everything that would be in…
Making it Work: Flat Design and Color Trends – Designmodo
Making it Work: Flat Design and Color Trends – Designmodo.
Usability checklist | Userium | Catch common usability problems before user testing.
Usability checklist | Userium | Catch common usability problems before user testing..
Sleep: Everything You Need To Know — The Healthy Life — Medium
Sleep: Everything You Need To Know — The Healthy Life — Medium.
Do Something Different
exercise drink water go on a walk study Greek study Hebrew research sound equipment sketch a painting theology studies shop at a local retailer read a blog catch up on news domain development emedia models clean office nap clothes hunt visit a friend help your mom clean up old notes and files count your blessings…
Why Should I be Frugal, When I’m So Rich? | Mr. Money Mustache
And so I’d like to issue a challenge that you consider deflating, rather than inflating your own lifestyle as you get richer. The desire for luxury, while very real and occasionally pleasant to satisfy, is actually a weakness that stands in the way of a happier life. Getting off of the path that society has…