Explore – The one thing in the world, of value, is the…
The one thing in the world, of value, is the active soul. This every man is entitled to; this every man contains within him, although, in almost all men, obstructed, and as yet unborn. The soul active sees absolute truth; and utters truth, or creates. In this action, it is genius; not the privilege of…
When are fruits and veggies in season? – Holy Kaw!
The produce section at your local grocery store might stock nearly every fruit and vegetable all year long, but that doesn’t mean those fruits and veggies are actually grown the entire year. For example, if you’re noshing on cherries in November, then you’re probably eating a fruit picked in June and stored in a climate-controlled…
Grandeur Lost: The Modern Ruins of Abandoned Detroit | WebUrbanist
Detroit is arguably one of the most fascinating modern cities in the world. This is thanks to the city’s unique balance between its former identity as a manufacturing mecca and its current state of sectional abandonment and iterative renewal. It is neither deserted nor wholly occupied, but exists in tension between destruction, creation and everyday…
Old Media Keeps Seducing Startup Kids | Wired Business | Wired.com
As jarring as Brooklynites sporting period-perfect ’60s vintage clothing and iPhone earbuds, promising young tech startup founders seem oddly drawn to crumbling old media. The latest whippersnappers pulled in this direction are YouTube founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen. The pair recently announced their next startup will be centered on … magazines? Yes, indeed: Hurley,…
BBC News – Gigapixel camera offers super sharp shots
A camera capable of creating images with “unprecedented detail” has been unveiled by US engineers. The prototype machine – dubbed AWARE2 – is capable of of taking pictures with resolutions of up to 50 gigapixels, equivalent to 50,000 megapixels, according to the team from Duke University in North Carolina. It works by synchronizing 98 tiny…
The Pebble smartwatch: Kickstarter’s record-shattering $10 million project – The Week
This is great. The Pebble watch can alert users to incoming calls and text messages, and even allows them to remotely change the song playing on their iPhone. via The Pebble smartwatch: Kickstarter’s record-shattering $10 million project – The Week.
A photo that will make you rethink tanning – Holy Kaw!
A photo that will make you rethink tanning – Holy Kaw!. The photo shows a 69-year-old former truck driver who spent 28 years having the left side of his face baked while behind the wheel of his big rig.
Insane Russian teens scale bridge [video] – Holy Kaw!
Insane Russian teens scale bridge – Holy Kaw!. Good God, this is terrifying.
Narcissistic, broke, and 6 other ways to describe the Millennial generation – The Week
Narcissistic, broke, and 6 other ways to describe the Millennial generation – The Week. I can’t say that these are all true for me, but I do follow (or see my peers following) these trends. My first response to this list is to accept what’s true, embrace what’s positive, identify what’s negative (narcissistic, broke, spendthift,…
6 Leadership Styles, And When You Should Use Them | Fast Company
6 Leadership Styles, And When You Should Use Them | Fast Company. Manager and leader are two completely different roles, although we often use the terms interchangeably. Managers are facilitators of their team members’ success. They ensure that their people have everything they need to be productive and successful; that they’re well trained, happy and…