Grateful Shed – Homes – Dwell
Another great small space. Location, location, location… Grateful Shed – Homes – Dwell.
Smart Space Planning: An Inspiring Attic Studio Hemidemisemiquaver | Apartment Therapy
I suppose if I lived in a large house I’d be obsessed with how to use large spaces, but I live in a small house so here’s a bright and welcoming small attic studio. Great storage, very light, very open but with access to a lot of materials. I often consider segmenting parts of our…
ThinkGeek :: Recesky Twin Lens Reflex Camera Kit
This is great. ThinkGeek :: Recesky Twin Lens Reflex Camera Kit.
Indy Goes Geek: Laser Mapping Helps Archaeologists | Wired Science | Wired.com
Newish technology applied to the oldest of human investigation. It’s great to see the progression from eyes on the ground (looking for mounds/hills) in early archaeology to the introduction of the airplane and cartography to heat mapping and other more modern technologies to finding ancient settlements. Indy Goes Geek: Laser Mapping Helps Archaeologists | Wired…
The Biomechanics of Good Running | Playbook | Wired.com
To be realistic and absolutely honest, I’m a very long way from being a “good” runner (I wouldn’t argue if someone said I was still a long way from being a “bad” runner, either), but I’ve noticed during the 2-3 miles I walk that small changes in posture and motion make a *big difference in…
Snippety, snip
I love a fresh haircut!
Wooden Floor Mat — Lowe’s Creative Ideas
This looks awesome. Wooden Floor Mat — Lowe’s Creative Ideas.
Canons of page construction – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Canons of page construction – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The Whimsical Street Art of Nomerz | Colossal
The Whimsical Street Art of Nomerz | Colossal.
Snake Alley – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Snake Alley – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I had no idea this was in Iowa.