Paul Harvey—The Testing Time

Another $1 goodie from today—have already imported and exported this album to digital audio:

(Image courtesy of this eBay auction)

This copy was extremely clean—I imagine it was played maybe once or twice in it’s long life—a great thing to find.

Of course I love Paul Harvey’s narrative—side A, a story of America loosing its liberties with the ultimate message to stand strong—the world is full of struggles to prepare us (and our children) for heaven, the only place there will be none of this sort—was a fantastic 20 minute listen.  How often will I pull out the vinyl? Not often—but to have the digital file in rotation will be very welcome.  20-minute stories don’t often make the “I’d like to listen to that” list, but this one’s welcome.

Good story on side B of Barabbas and Da Vinci’s Last Supper through history.

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