Seattle Public Library Encourages Summer Reading by Knocking Books on the Ground
Doesn’t this just make you at least a little happy? Does it qualify as some form of book abuse? It’s at least illustrative that books should be used and not left lifeless on a shelf by those with access to them (as I may be guilty of)… I LOVE the library’s architecture. Reminds me in…
river of monks | gregfallis.com
Interesting…Des Moines as “the Monks” never quite settled with me. I look forward to learning more about this alternative explanation: But there’s more. One of the first people to call the river by its European name was the French Jesuit missionary and explorer Jacques Marquette. He’d encountered natives of the Peoria tribe at the confluence…
While browsing yesterday’s dropped domain list “55bpm” grabbed my eye and demanded my response. I love this idea as inspiration; slow, rhythmic, steady—a rhythm that, as a heart rate, looks slightly abnormal but suggests a very healthy routine behind it. A reminder to slow down, to rest easy. May we have a long and easy…
Explore – They say that time goes faster after you pass…
They say that time goes faster after you pass sixty. No question about it, it’s true. Where are the long, lazy summers of my youth when I sat moping from morning till night unable to think of anything interesting to do? I recollect walking up to a mirror and repeating with greater and greater conviction,…
Exclusive: The first pictures of blood from a 10,000 year old Siberian woolly mammoth
This is bizarre. Exclusive: The first pictures of blood from a 10,000 year old Siberian woolly mammoth.
Explore – Follow your own curiosity and say the most…
At the base of it, I guess I don’t believe in other people’s hierarchies about what’s important in the world. … And — this is one reason I love the web — all the analytics I’ve ever seen on my stories indicate that my own interest level and effort dictate what does well, not the…
Make Analog Synthesizers Teaches ‘Modern Approach To Old-School Sound Synthesis’ » Synthtopia
Make Analog Synthesizers Teaches ‘Modern Approach To Old-School Sound Synthesis’ » Synthtopia.
Delicious Vintage Food PSA Posters | Brain Pickings
Delicious Vintage Food PSA Posters | Brain Pickings.