Note: If you’re visiting this page by link, I’m afraid I’m not the original author of the page you’re looking for. The original content was posted at a page under the “phil.im” domain; when I found the domain had dropped and was (at the time) unregistered I picked it up for personal use (with my…
Friday afternoon stroll
After a long walk around Harriet with StacyZ and the boys.
How to Enable Firefox Download Warning
Disclaimer: If you’re visiting this page by link, I’m afraid I’m not the original author of the page you’re looking for. The original content was posted at a page under the “phil.im” domain; when I found the domain had dropped and was (at the time) unregistered I picked it up for personal use (with my…
Orbital Content: the future of the web?
When I jumped into the world of smartphones I knew there’d be no turning back—the ability to create and consume content anywhere is a concept that’s easy to embrace and hard to let go. I’ll be coming back to this article for a more complete read but agree that content, when possible, should be prepared…
Rabbit Trails and Katherine Westerhout
Scenario: I’m looking for instruction/inspiration on how to automate print to web workflow in an Adobe software environment and run across a childhood-education program document from a San Francisco television station, KQED. I search around KQED’s website to see if I can find any additional how-to documentation for digital workflow (I *love documentation and hearing…
Realistic MG-1
*Super thrilled to have picked up this little monster today—my first taste of Moog. . .will have to post audio samples soon (this could be a late night)! Update! This thing rocks! AUDIO (it’s not a song, it’s an exploration—if it were a song, it’d be terrible)
How to Sample
How to Sample There’s music in the air and you’re sharp enough to hear it. The joy of creative sampling is in capturing elements of your world and rearranging them in to art. Preserve elements of your world and arrange them in ways that, years from now, will bring back memories of days, places, and…
A warm December Stroll
What a beautiful surprise for my last day of work in 2010! I’d heard today would be a warm day—somewhere in the mid thirties to low forties—but didn’t expect to wake this morning and find snow missing from the streets, yards, and sidewalks about town. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve been able to…
I’m excited about this idea and hope to set some time aside soon (Friday? Do you hear me?) to take a crack at it. Some beautiful photos from this process – and I like the unpredictability of it – of being surprised, to some degree, of what your final product will be after pressing the…
20100512: Peas and Sweet Potatoes
Alphababy’s six months old here, chowing down on peas and sweet potatoes. Today it was pizza and fruit cocktail – they change fast!