The Prodigal Songs

I’m currently exercising a type of exodus for parts of my collection – with changing needs for space in the house I decided it was time to let go of a fair number of records – I’m guessing a thousand were selected – and have listed the bunch on Craigslist.  Tonight I ran through the lot (with a prospective buyer coming soon) and decided to pull a few that meant more to me than the 3 cents or so I’d be pulling in when they sold.  Tonight’s record is one of those pulled from that unfortunate consequence: Grover Sings the Blues.


After Grover (a good, light listen, with some undertones of deep-rooted sadness and a few skips, pops, and smiles) I tossed on Bob and the Devil – I can’t say that my soul was deeply moved but I was impressed that it wasn’t as bad a set of sermons as I anticipated.  Learn more about Bob and his work (and find a CD copy of Bob and the Devil for a $7 donation) at

Bob Harrington's Bob and the DevilBob Harrington’s Bob and the Devil

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