Popular Lies About Graphic Design | Brain Pickings
In Popular Lies About Graphic Design (UK; public library), New-York-based British designer Craig Ward sets out to debunk the “misconceptions, half truths and, in some cases, outright lies” embedded in the familiar aphorisms and maxims instilled in young designers — a crusade against putting blind religion rather than critical thought at the heart of the…
Series: Buying good tools cheap « | Paul Sellers
After working with some Paul Sellers videos for AmericanWoodworker.tv I’ve picked up an itch to start working wood by hand. Paul’s created a great series at his blog on buying good tools cheap; I love quality at low prices and have created a quick list of things I’ll watch out for while I’m out and…
Preparing Websites For The Unexpected | Smashing Mobile
Preparing Websites For The Unexpected | Smashing Mobile. To ask “what makes content mobile-friendly?” misses the point. Ask instead, “what makes content flexible?” and we address many problems at once. Don’t sacrifice content for a new medium. Make it usable. Prevent (or at least minimize) similar problems in the future. Factors that influence importance (of…
Responsive Design on a Budget | Clear Thinking – The Clearleft Blog
Responsive Design on a Budget | Clear Thinking – The Clearleft Blog. Create a file-size budget to keep responsive designs quick and light.
Form Follows Function
Form Follows Function. GREAT examples of what can be done with canvas in HTML5
Big Week in Synth News
Some very exciting announcements in the synth world this week: Korg MS20 Mini DSI Prophet12 Moog Sub Phatty
Late 1940s woodworking hand tool kit
I love this Late 1940s woodworking hand tool kit.
Juno 106/Simmons SDS7 Tune
Following up from this post (announcing my acquisition of a non-functioning and soon to be sold SDS7), a light little ditty with SDS7 providing drums and Juno 106 providing the rest. 20121011 Song mix_MP3 128K
How much does it cost to be you?
We have an almost automatic tendency to increase our standard of living the moment our income increases. If you’re like most people, when your pay increases by another $500 a month, the first thing you decide is what additional $500-per-month thing you can now afford to enjoy, which is the same as deciding what additional…
The Most Effective Tool To Keep Your Team Productive And On Track | Fast Company
That’s why every manager I work with has a factbook. It’s a three-ring binder that breaks down a manager’s tasks into small, manageable steps. Such a factbook keeps you on top of the details and assures that there are no misunderstandings between managers and their subordinates. At its simplest level, the factbook is a tool…