Fridge Full of Fast Meals: Hot Pockets in the College Years
I’ve often told the story of how, during college I’d worked at Cub Foods and watched for bargain, college-kid-neccessary sales, and that one of the best deals I ever ran across was the occasional sale for Hot Pockets. The deal was based on a “reward” program for buying more Hot Pockets than you did last…
Of All The Animals…
“Of all the animals, the boy is the most unmanageable” Plato’s Laws (photo from jhscrapmom’s flickr set) As I look forward to six month’s passing and the arrivial of a little boy in this world, I must acknowledge that I may not have lived my early life as most boys and that, even in what…
Crossover by PowerPig = Awesome (flickr set)
Click here for more great chipmunk pictures. Wow—there’s much more. Be sure to check out the rest of PowerPig’s photos.
The Poppy Family feat. Susan Jacks: Which Way you Goin’ Billy?
I love flea markets! Just picked up around twenty albums at $1 ea and giving them a first listen now. This one’s amazing: (image from Wikipedia) It’s amazing how “modern” this sounds—if it weren’t for the occasional vinyl “pop” in a few tunes I’d think I was listening to something new and upcoming. There’s a…
Paul Harvey—The Testing Time
Another $1 goodie from today—have already imported and exported this album to digital audio: (Image courtesy of this eBay auction) This copy was extremely clean—I imagine it was played maybe once or twice in it’s long life—a great thing to find. Of course I love Paul Harvey’s narrative—side A, a story of America loosing its…
New Domain: IAwin.com
Bought a fun domain name tonight: IAwin.com. I’ve been trying to think of clever, short .coms that I can register and this one came to me while exercising wordplay with Winterset, Iowa. Winterset.com is currently squatted, MadisonCounty.com is the chamber’s site, and while I own a few Winterset/Madison County domains, I was still looking for…
Bookmark: Synth In a Month
I’ve had this site bookmarked for some time and really get a kick out of looking at it. Colin at experimentalistsanonymous.com created this diy modular in one month (Jan 2006) with under $800 invested. This is the stuff that makes heros of men.
Goldmine—Collector’s Corner
I know I’m late coming upon this site—I’ve heard it everywhere but never taken a look before. I really had a good time browsing around Goldminemag.com, particularly their “Collector’s Corner”. More on those articles to come soon, but if you’re in a browsing mood and looking for a good read, swing on by: http://www.goldminemag.com/collectorscorner/
Mark Murphy—That’s How I Love the Blues
From a dig in the Roseville Goodwill a few months back, last night I imported Mark Murphy’s That’s How I Love the Blues on Riverside. Not an outstanding, must have album, but a good one, and great for a change of pace in the busy day-to-day life. It’s been on the import list since I…
Sarah Vaughan: Duke Ellington Song Book One
From the wall of vinyl, Sarah Vaughan’s Duke Ellington Song Book One on Pablo: Great nighttime album—I deeply enjoy listening to Sarah Vaughan after dark. Low lights, slowing down for the night, the music sets the mood for an evening which makes you feel in the company of talent and accomplishment, achieved through hard lessons…